۱۸ شهریور ۹۲ ، ۲۲:۴۱
We would rather like it if US attacks Syria
Tehran, YJC. Clergy has said that Iran will be rather happy if the US attacks Syria .
Jafar Shojouni, member of the Combatant Clergy Society said in interview with Qanoon " We are against an attack on Syria but
deep down our hearts there are else things and we would rather like it if the US made that mistake. Because on one hand Russia will target Arabia and on the other Hezbollah and Iran will strike Tel Aviv and we will wipe Israel off the face of the earth."

He added " Iran believes that the US wants to scuffle Syria for Israel and on the other hand UN inspectors have not said anything . "
" We are against the war but deep down our hearts we' d rather be happy if that happens . Although our country will be severely damaged we will manage to finish the job by eradicating Israel, Inshallah. "
Providing comments on Hashemi's recent alleged statement on the application ofc hemical weapons by Syria he said that although he does not know if the tape recording is real and there is any truth to the story " if it is true then it shows Hashemi's gradual decadence because he says things which neither the system nor the Leader agree with."